Athlete’s Odyssey

Athlete’s Odyssey is a game for teens and young athletes. Play as an athlete, journey through different places, and meet characters like a Player Development Manager (PDM), a mental health expert, and an elite athlete. They’ll give you tasks, guidance, and support. Gain insights into the responsibilities of a PDM and develop essential personal skills such as time management.

Download the mobile app or play it online:

Android Version

iOS Version

Web Version

Dissemination Material

Download and use our roll up from here

Download and use our logo up from here

Survey on required skills and educational needs to become an effective Player Development Manager

This questionnaire is delivered in the context of the GOAL4PDM (Gamified and Online Activities for Learning to Support Player Development Managers) Erasmus+ Sport European Project.
The main objective of GOAL4PDM project is the up-skilling and re-skilling of various target groups (i.e., coaches in sport academies, students of Physical Education and Sport departments, physical education teachers, former athletes) to become Player Development Managers (PDM) specialised to support the Dual Career of Athletes.
Player Development is an emerging area of expertise and opportunity. A PDM is a person which works with athletes on the daily personal, social and professional issues they might encounter.
Most of the current Player Development Managers are past players, former elite athletes or persons with coaching experience.
GOAL4PDM project aims to create digital educational content organized in the form of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to support the training of Player Development Managers.
By answering this questionnaire, you will help the GOAL4PDM team gather important information about your required skills and educational needs to become an effective Player Development Manager.

So, your feedback is really important!

The questionnaire should take no longer than 25 minutes to complete!

We would like to thank you for your valuable feedback in advance,

The GOAL4PDM team.